Thats is the most beautiful place in Chalkida

Χαλκίδα: Όλα όσα πρέπει να ξέρετε για μια εκδρομή γεμάτη εμπειρίες

If you like to watch beautiful place, don’t miss this

Chalkida boasts a unique phenomenon in the world, the sensation of eternal, carefree Sundays.

Chalkida in Evvoia gives you the feeling that it is time for holidays.

Located in Evia, Chalkida carries the charm of a city that kisses the water and seals passage from the routine of everyday life, inviting relaxation even for a one-day excursion.

Chalkida uniquely combines history and culture, abundant sights, and natural treasures.

You just need to know where to look. We searched and found the most beautiful spot in Chalkida.

Chalkida is generous to its visitors, and we found a corner that resembles an island. Despite the fact that Chalkida is a big city, we found a place that everyone wants to be there.

The name of the spot is “Kanapitsa” and invites you for an iconic seaside feast, exuding all the vibrancy of an island.

The blue of the sea, the leisurely fishermen, and the maritime view are secrets generously shared with everyone.

Every step on the cobblestone streets reveals colorful houses from another era, blossomed courtyards… and more.

Shall we go and discover it? The video is in Greek language. Maybe you will not understand it. Although, you can watch the beauty of nature.

The most beautiful place in Chalkida

Εύβοια νέα σήμερα

Εύβοια: Έμειναν άφωνοι όταν εμφανίστηκε μπροστά τους ένα πανέμορφο πλάσμα

Εύβοια: Άφωνος όταν άκουσε έναν περίεργο θόρυβο στα σκαλοπάτια

Εύβοια: Το άγνωστο σήμα που ελάχιστοι γνωρίζουν


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